Crafted by experts
The curriculum at Godship is designed to make learning an enjoyable experience. It draws from the latest researches in field of education integrating it with the elements of joy and enquiry .
The intellectual development of the child
Helping the child to learn ‘How to Learn’
The social and emotional development of the child
Helping him/her to become an independent and caring individual.
The aesthetic development of the child
Giving the child the opportunities to enjoy and appreciate art and music.
The physical development of the child
Helping the child to develop his gross motor and fine motor skills.
The intrinsic development of the child
Helping him emerges as a confident and happy person.
The school has moved away from teacher centric approach to student centric approach. We respect the uniqueness of each child and cater to different learning styles. The focus is on skill development rather than knowledge input. It is our endeavor at Godship that the child is able to apply the amassed knowledge in real life situation. Co – operative learning and project work ensures that student develop together and achieve more.
It is rightly said”Excellence in learning is directly related to excellence in teaching”.Dealing with children is like performing a juggling trick where in the teacher is constantly juggling the needs and interest of all the students, making sure that each one is gainfully occupied. So Godship ensures that the teachers. We employ are adequately trained and caring individuals, who can bond with each and every child.
At Godship, we understand that in order to develop students to effective learners, young children need love and security. The child’s intellectual development in inseparable from his emotional and social development. We aspire to create an atmosphere of emotional warmth, within which each child feels individually valued and thus develops high self esteem and feelings of self efficacy.
Godship has developes full day education system for maximum utilization of time & basic development of students. (To be Implemented in coming days….) As students spend his/her maximum time in school with teachers, he/she feels at home. Study becomes an usual part of his life & he/she does not consider it as a burden. This makes the learning of study material as easy as the general affair of life. The half day education system embodies a total contradiction in education received by a child from his school v/s from his environment, which affects his development & personality adversely, the Full day education system on the other hand not only protects the students from the pollutants of society, it also ensures his entire development due to close watch on his/her activities.